Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hello Blog world

So, I have finally decided to start "blogging". Wish me luck. I guess I shall start this off with a little preview of our family. Derek and I have been married for 4 years, have one, gorgeous, charming daughter, Ryan Sierra and one on the way. I am due July 13. We have decided to name her Annie Juliet. Despite Ryan's physical issues I had such a breeze with that pregnancy! This one, on the other hand, has been quite a ride. False labor, Sciatica, all the normal pregnancy related issues possible, and low amniotic fluid, which is the latest news. This on top of finding out recently about 3 stress fractures in my right foot, and a broken plate and arthritis in my left foot! I know its very dramatic. I have a very good OB doc, a VERY supportive family,  and Annie looks very healthy so far. So I have much to be thankful for.